Tuesday morning started in Park City like everywhere else in the United States, with folks gathering in places, public or private, to watch the Inauguration. Ilene Marder and I were fortunate to be invited to the BMI condo by Woodstock Film Festival's friends Doreen Ringer Ross and Linda Livingston, so first thing in the morning we headed down to the Caledonian at the bottom of Main Street for an intimate viewing party. The BMI condo happens to be overlooking the public gathering on Main Street, where a giant screen and numerous flat screens were set up, broadcasting loud and clear the whole process to the delight of the hundreds who gathered there, young and old, Sundance participants and regular folks, all celebrating the momentous occasion together. The sun was shining and the air was filled with camaraderie and excitement. While keeping the doors open so we could get a sense of the crowd below, a group of us, including film producers, industry CEOs, composers and musicians all gathered together in the condo over a great breakfast, tears in many people's eyes, as we watched the historic inauguration. It was a memorable event, one that no one in the room will ever forget. My thanks to the wonderful folks at BMI for inviting us to join them.
Soon enough it was back to business as everyone dispersed to their respective screenings, meetings and events. After going to a press screening of Sin Nombre, I went to the highly anticipated sneak preview of Steven Soderbergh's new film, The Girlfriend Experience, at the Eccles. The place was buzzing with press members blogging on their iphones and blackberries as soon as the film was over and Soderbergh stepped on stage for Q&A, as everyone wanted to post their blogs ASAP... A few parties,including the always crowded Sundance Channel's event where Robert Redford made his annual appearance; the wonderful A&E gathering and the high octane, late night BritDocs party, as well as the always crowded Kodak Party, capped the day as our stay in Sundance, which started last Thursday the 15th, is quickly nearing its end.
What a week this has been.
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