The 9th annual WFF opens Wednesday, Oct. 1, with a concert by banjo maestro Bela Fleck, whose movie, "Thrown Down Your Heart," will be shown at noon Oct. 2 at the Bearsville Theater and at 9 p.m. Oct. 3 at Upstate Films in Rhinebeck.
I've seen this film and it's very, very, very good. Bela is never one to let his ego get in the way of some real fine music, despite his incredible talent as a banjo player. This film is no exception. How can you go wrong with communal jam sessions, ancient music and African villages.
I'll be at the concert and I will be just about living at the Colony Cafe in Woodstock, which is base camp for the WFF, throughout the entire fest, attending screenings, panel discussions and of course, movies, movies, movies. And I will be blogging about it all, right here, as it happens, or maybe a little bit after it happens.
This blog was widely read last year and we're hoping for the same success this year. Please check back here often, as I'll be posting from here in on, with much more frequency during the film fest. Please feel free to post your comments, criticisms, analyses, or otherwise. If you are at the WFF and take photos, and would like to share, pls send them to me at
You will literally be able to track my every move throughout the WFF, from Wed., Oct. 2, through Sunday, Oct. 5. I will be eating, drinking, sleeping, then eating some more, the Woodstock Film Festival. I am exhausted already, but very excited. I LOVE movies, I just love them.
My favorites: "It's a Wonderful Life" with Jimmy Stewart; "Star Wars: Episode IV" with Mark Hamill, which is really the first one; "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" with Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet; and "Marie Antoinette" with Norma Shearer and Tyrone Power, made in 1938.

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