Friday, October 3, 2008

Corey from

Corey Boutilier with has set up pretty close to my favored spot inside base camp here at the film fest, so I thought I'd see what his deal is..... focuses on, well, independent film. It's an online magazine that also serves as a resource for film fans looking to check out independent films. His web site has video interivews, info, etc.

I asked Corey if there was ever a director or actor he interviewed before they exploded in fame. He thought and thought and thought and he said, well, there was this film, "Once."

OKAY!!! "Once." Academy-Award. Glen Hansard. Marketa. Yes, I said. I'VE HEARD OF THEM!!!

So click here to see an interview and performance that Corey shot well before these two exploded. A great story.

And there is more.....He was just shooting video of the film fest folks taking pictures of Donovan, and it's raining, and Donovan has an umbrella, so he starts singing, "Singing in the Rain." Unreal. I'll post the video just as soon as its up and running.

---Glen Hansard...videotp;, from interview, movie.....

just with donn - inteviewed him, broll of hiim, fest taking picture, interianon beewn don adn film, holding an umbrella. singi nsingi nin teh rain......

live in conn..danbury.....
- southington.....

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