The guy wearing the shoes was Steve Schoen from High Falls. The shoes were designed and brought to life by Richard Murphy, who owns The Egg's Nest in High Falls. If you've ever been in that restaurant, then the shoes make sense, as the interior decorating is similar to the shoes.
Click here to learn more about Steve.
thank you for the notice the shoes however are a bit tame compared to my new sport coat designed by connie kerner which is a purple collage of 35 of my mother maggie sherwoods' photographs currently on exhibition at the samuel dorsky museum suny new paltz through april 8th. the jacket and shoes will be on channel 20 thursday february 19th, hopefully you can review the exhibition "taking a different tack:maggie sherwood and the floating foundation of photogra
thank you for the notice the shoes however are a bit tame compared to my new sport coat designed by connie kerner which is a purple collage of 35 of my mother maggie sherwoods' photographs currently on exhibition at the samuel dorsky museum suny new paltz through april 8th. the jacket and shoes will be on channel 20 thursday february 19th, hopefully you can review the exhibition "taking a different tack:maggie sherwood and the floating foundation of photogra
The jacket and shoes are magnificant but the exhibition is a tour de force and shouldn't be missed.
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