Take this morning for instance. I got up at 7 after getting to bed at 2 a.m. I got into the office, made a round of cop calls, updated the Journal Web site and made some calls on what looked like a horrific car accident on Noxon Road in LaGrange. I sure hope those people are alright.
So there I had it, a morning of hard breaking news, which I love covering, just as I did for eight years before becoming the music writer here at the Journal. Along with the O.J. verdict and the financail bailout by the feds, it was busy, and I left Poughkeepsie at 11:30 a.m. - FOR A NOON PANEL DISCUSSION IN WOODSTOCK!!
It takes an hour to get to Woodstock by back roads, so I hopped on the Thruway and was l-o-o-k-i-n-g-g-o-o-d....Until I was passing, probably throgh Rifton, and then I saw it, much to my horror......I found this...

A traffic jam.
At this point, noon was approaching and my panel discussion was slipping away.

And then my clock was moving faster than the traffic...Then noon arrived.

And on time marched, and there i crawled, a mile marker whatever on the Thruway...And then it was 12:05.

Then traffic got under way and - what do you know!! no accident, no disabled vehicle. no nothing. Maybe all was well and there was no accident, no carnage, no nothing. I hope so. I arrived in Bearsville - of course, this event wasn't in downtown Woodstock, but about 3 miles and 10 minutes more in Bearsville - at about 12:30 p.m. No worries. I covered the panel and it was very interesting...
More to come on that in a bit and I'll find out doggone it what caused the traffic backup....
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